Stable isotope Sulfur (S)

Isotope Z(p) N(n) Atomic Mass Natural Abundance Enrichment Level Chemical Form
S-32 16 16 31.97207070 94.99% 99.99% Elemental
S-33 16 17 32.9714585 0.75% >99.30% Elemental
S-34 16 18 33.9678669 4.25% >99.00% Elemental
S-36 16 20 35.9670809 0.01% 55.00-99.20% Elemental

Properties of Sulfur

Name Sulfur
Symbol S
Atomic number 16
Atomic weight 32.06
Standard state Solid at 298 °K
CAS Registry ID 7704-34-9
Group in periodic table 16
Group name Chalcogen
Period in periodic table 3
Block in periodic table p-block
Color Lemon yellow
Classification Nonmetallic
Melting point 115.21 °C
Boiling point 444.72 °C
Thermal conductivity 0.205  W/(m·K)
Electrical resistivity >1023 x 10-8 Ωm
Electronegativity 2.58
Heat of vaporization 9.8  kJ·mol-1
Heat of fusion 1.73 kJ·mol-1
Density of solid 1.96 g/cm
Electron configuration [Ne]3s23p4
Atomic radius 1.03 Å
Ionic radii 0.37 Å for S4+ (coordination number 6) and S6+ (coordination number 4); 0.29 Å for hexacoordinated S6+ in crystals
Oxidation states +2, +4, +6