Stable isotope Chlorine (Cl)

Isotope Z(p) N(n) Atomic Mass Natural Abundance Enrichment Level Chemical Form
Cl-35 17 18 34.96885271 75.78% 99.00% Sodium Chloride
Cl-37 17 20 36.96590260 24.22% 98.00% Sodium Chloride

Properties of Chlorine

Name Chlorine
Symbol Cl
Atomic number 17
Atomic weight 35.452
Standard state Gas at 298 ºK
CAS Registry ID 7782-50-5
Group in periodic table 17
Group name Halogen
Period in periodic table 3
Block in periodic table p-block
Color Greenish-yellow
Classification Nonmetallic
Melting point -101.5 ºC
Boiling point -34.04 ºC
Thermal conductivity 0.0089  W/(m·K)
Electrical resistivity 10-8 Ω·m
Electronegativity 3.16
Heat of vaporization 10.2 (per mole Cl atoms) kJ·mol-1
Heat of fusion 3.2 (per mole Cl atoms) kJ·mol-1
Density 2.03 g/cm3
Electron configuration [Ne]3s23p5
Most common oxidation state 2